Halloween Nederlands

Halloween isn't celebrated in the Netherlands, but we thought we'd represent. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Thought you might enjoy. :-)


Anonymous said…
HAH!! That's great! Love you guys!

Anonymous said…
Love the costumes......Tim and I went as Marc Antony and Cleopatra. We were quite impressed with how well our costumes turned out. Miss you both.
Dan Cole said…
But did you go trick-or-treating?!
Bonnie Dufault said…
Brent-You should tell Greg that you were bacon strips for Halloween..hehe! Lookin good Ruth! Yolk looks good on ya! Matt said,"Looks like you guys are unequally YOLKED!" haha!
Tim and Steph said…
Oh my goodness, you two crack me up! This picture was definitely good for a laugh. :) I thought of the two of you over Thanksgiving. How did you celebrate? I'm sure you're looking forward to Ruth's family visiting for Christmas. Enjoy your time together!
Love you both, Steph
Lindsley said…
How might one go about sending you two a Christmas card? My list has gone international! :)